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May, 21, 2010

Update from The Dove...

From Captain Larry Tyler 

"THE DOVE has arrived here in Faial, Azores. The trip took 17 days from St Martin. The first 12 days we had little wind and sometimes no wind at all and the little we had was on the nose, so we were forced to sail North to nearly the same Latitude as Bermuda after which we had 5 days of gales which are still blowing now. But we flew along doing 200 miles a day!!!!  

"We saw a number of whales, lots of dolphins, many, many Logger Head turtles and thousands of Portuguese Man O'War jelly fish - I love watching them sail over the waves. Went swimming a couple of times mid Atlantic with the jelly fish and the turtles, I looked up from taking photos of a turtle to find The Dove was slowly sailing away and Jenny had gone down below. I can't even start to imagine what it must be like to fall overboard. 

"Great to have arrived though, and not have to try to sleep at 45 degrees. I'm sitting here now at the saloon table checking my emails and listening to the wind outside howling in the rigging of all the yachts that are here while the boat hardly moves. Bliss..."

THE DOVE is available for adventure charters this summer in the Azores.

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